New Appointment- Judge Aguilar

We would like to congratulate our esteemed alumna, Judge Katlyn Anne Aguilar for being the newly appointed judge of the Metropolitan Trial Court of Valenzuela City. As a member of the Law Review, she left an indelible imprint which serependitously foresaw her role as being part of the judicial branch in which she recognizes the trailblazing innovation of the High Court as a bastion of justice while advocating judicial predictability so as preserve its integrity and prestige among the other branches of the State.

Judicial predictability is a means of promoting equal treatment, in the sense that similarly situated litigants are treated alike.

It ensures that litigants will be treated in the same manner that previous litigants were treated. Through judicial predictability, there is difficulty of bending established rules and principles to favor a litigant

Katlyn Aguilar
The Artemisian Court: Thrills and Perils of Unstable and Unpredictable Judicial Pronouncements
UST Law Review Volume 55


The UST Law Review is the official legal publication of the Faculty of Civil Law.