5th Chief Justice Narvasa Lecture

The UST Law Review hosted the 5th Chief Justice Andres Narvasa Lecture Series. Held on February 09, 2019 at 5 pm to 9 pm at the Dr. Robert C. Sy Grand Ballroom, Buenaventura G. Paredes, OP (BGPOP) Building, University of Santo Tomas. The Honorary Lecturer will be Associate Justice (Ret.) Angelina Sandoval-Gutierrez, with the topic Multi-Jurisdictional Practice and Disputes. The Lecture also served as a homecoming to UST Law Review’s beloved alumni.

About the Speaker

Justice Angelina Sandoval Gutierrez hails from Alitagtag, Batangas. She graduated salutatorian from Alitagtag Elementary School; with high honors in high school, St. Bridget’s College, Batangas City; and with distinction from the same school upon finishing her Music Teacher’s Course in piano. In 1960, she finished law at the University of Sto. Tomas Faculty of Civil Law and passed the bar examinations given that same year.

Justice Gutierrez was twice chosen by the Supreme Court as Bar Examiner in Criminal Law – in 1994 and 1998.

 In the Supreme Court, Justice Gutierrez was a member of the Senate Electoral Tribunal/House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal; Chairman of the Committee on Halls of Justice; Chairman of the Management Committee, Judicial Reform Support Project (JRSP) of the Action Program for Judicial Reform (APJR); Chairman of the Knowledge Sharing Committee of the APJR; Chairman of the Committee on the 2006 BarExaminations; Chairman Emeritus of the Society for Judicial Excellence; Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee on the Global Forum on Liberty and Prosperity (2006); member of the Computerization Committee, APJR; member of the Raffle Committee for the En Banc; member of the Organizing Committee on the International Conference and Show Case on Judicial Reform (2005).                                                                                                               

She is also a member of the Board of Editorial Consultants of the Supreme Court Reports Annotated (SCRA); member of the American Society of International Law; Secretary for Life of the 87th Class, University of Southern California Delinquency Control Institute; Executive Vice-President of the UST Alumni Foundation, Inc.; Director of the Federacion Internacional De Abogadas; and member of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Group Foundation; and member of the Executive Committee of the Ulirang Ina and Ulirang Ama Foundation, Inc.

  She served as National Treasurer and Secretary General of the Philippine Judges Association (1989-1991) and as First Woman President of the Manila Regional Trial Court Judges Association in 1991.

About the Topic